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PRESENTING: THE EYE OF MEDICINE (An Abdominal Ultrasound Story)

Maria Atsarapoba

So here is the situation.

A few days earlier, you felt your tummy ache which was also accompanied by bloatedness. Thinking it wasn't serious, you left it alone and after 3 more days, the pain started to worsen, particularly at the right upper part of your abdomen.

Scared you might lose your life if you leave it untreated, you went to the nearest clinic in your area. You were thinking about a lot of things: "Will I die?", "I am too young to die!", "Are they going to split my tummy open?!" - when the nurse called out for your name.

The physical examination was inconclusive, so the doctor asked you to undergo an abdominal ultrasound and specifically asked you to fast or not eat or drink anything for 10-12 hours prior to the procedure. When you got back home, you called your supervisor asked for a day off for tomorrow.

The next day came. You woke up and went to do your morning routine such as brushing your teeth, drinking a hot coffee while eating 2 slices of pancakes with a lot of syrup when you suddenly remembered something... you were not supposed to eat anything before your breakfast!

"Oh my God!" you exclaimed and looked at the half-eaten second serving of your pancake and the few milliliters of coffee left in your cup. You panicked for a moment but then later, you thought of an idea which was to come straight into the clinic and do the procedure as normal. If asked if you have eaten anything or not, you'll just have to lie.

Pretty genius right? I'd say no.

Just like what you planned, you went to the clinic, paid for the exam, and then went into the ultrasound room like a properly prepared patient would be, except that you are really not. When asked if you have eaten anything, you said no, just like what's on your script. While the exam was being performed, you heard the sonographer sigh while she shook her head. "Tell me the truth. When was the last time you ate?" Realizing you got busted, you ended up telling the truth and having the procedure rescheduled.

Curious how the sonographer knew?

Well, here are a few things that you should know about an abdominal ultrasound:

What is an abdominal ultrasound? An abdominal ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure to used assess/ examine the visceral organs within the abdominopelvic cavity such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, etc.,

Why am I not allowed to eat before the procedure? An 8-12 hours fasting is required before the procedure to ensure that the gallbladder is dilated or broadened during the examination. It is necessary to examine it in its full size to assess if there are polyps, sludge, or gallstones within. If proper fasting is not done, the gallbladder will appear contracted or shrunken. Another reason why we require fasting is to ensure that the abdomen is not gassy, which can also be avoided by not eating gum or smoking. Performing an ultrasound procedure is hard enough as it is, and a gassy abdomen adds more to that challenge because it obscures the structures within. We allow water before the procedure, but please confirm it with the hospital or clinic you are having your examination with. Same with medications.

If my gallbladder was already removed, should I still fast? It depends on the institution's protocols. However, from what I have experienced, thin patients can be exempted from fasting while for chubby or plump patients, we still require them to undergo fasting to avoid a gassy abdomen.

Click here to know more about abdominal ultrasound.

1 Comment

Feb 02, 2022

I wish I knew this before I had my ultrasound exam last week.


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